Common Myths About Meditation

The object of meditation is to develop concentration: FALSE! There should be no preconceived goals or objectives when engaged in the practice.

We train to get rid of our prejudices, biases and expectations. Expectations are always met with disappointment, because nothing ever goes exactly according to the plan.

What we experienced the last time we were practicing will never be experienced again, because the mind that was present for the last practice, no longer exists. So, how can the experience be the same?

The benefits o f the practice are enhanced concentration, awareness and tranquility, which prepares the mind for meditation... When the mind ascends to the meditative state, hopefully, insight will arise. This process cannot be rushed, as wisdom only arises when knowledge meets experience. When we gain insight into phenomena, life becomes a lot more pleasant, because we are experiencing life with wisdom.

Come, learn the techniques necessary to develop concentration, awareness and tranquility... See how easily the training can be incorporated into everyday life...

Dhamma Works