Meditation is an elevated state-of-mind. It is only after the mind has been trained & developed, that a meditative state may arise. However, the training which gives rise to the meditative state, is not without benefits, and is essential for the development of concentration, awareness and awareness.
When concentration, awareness, and tranquility are more profound, it becomes easier to see the roots of what troubles the mind - anxiety, stress, depression, etc. - and understand how to eradicate these obstacles to our well-being.
Anxiety & stress arise when the mind is constantly in the future - always planning, always plotting. Depression comes when the mind is inclined to dwell in the past - always remembering, always regretting. These states can only be diminished via mental development, tethering the mind to the present.
Medication only masks the problem, often pushing one deeper into a sense of helplessness, and further away from the cure. The cure for any illness can only be found by seeing the root of the problem, not by covering it up. We need to see the dilemma to be able to understand it. As the mind becomes more tranquil, concentrated and aware, we are able to see what ails us, understand it, and eradicate it.
Come, learn the techniques necessary to develop the MIND... See how the training leads to the eradication of unwanted mental states...