How Do I Know That I'm Meditating 'Correctly'?

There is no 'correct’ method of meditation. If the mind is calm, tranquility meditation is practiced. When the mind is unsettled, we can use the uneasiness to gain insight into what's going-on in the mind, what's troubling us. There is no such thing as a 'bad' sitting. As long as we are aware of what is occurring in the mind, we've had a good sitting.

Because the mind is always in flux, our meditation is ever-changing. What we experienced the last time in practice has no bearing on the present practice, because the mind that was present during the last session no longer exists. What we experience in any given sitting is influenced by our perception. If we try to duplicate what we experienced during the last session, it'll never happen and we become frustrated... Every sitting is its own complete experience.

The experience should be a pleasant one. If we have one moment of awareness, one moment of concentration, on moment of tranquility, we have had a good practice. All those ‘bad’ sittings, where the mind is jumping, are where the hard work is done, diligence is strengthened, and the foundation for concentration, awareness and tranquility is established. Enhanced concentration, awareness and tranquility are benefits of the practice, and essential to reaching a meditative state. The meditative state is where we gain insight into the mind and phenomena.

Come, learn the techniques necessary to develop concentration, awareness & tranquility... See how easy it is to reach the meditative state...

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