How Can Meditation Alleviate Anxiety?

Anxiety arises when the mind is constantly dwelling in the future – planning, plotting, scheming – worrying about events and phenomena not yet arisen, over which we have no control. This leaves one feeling helpless and overwhelmed.

When we engage in meditative exercises, we are constantly bringing the mind back to the present, methodically eliminating the tendency of the mind to incline to the future. When the mind is present, it becomes virtually impossible for anxiety to arise.

Anxiety is created in the mind, and can only be remedied by the development of the mind. There is no medication to cure an undeveloped mind. Medication simply masks the problem, never addressing the the underlying issue that gives rise to the dilemma. Meditation strengthens concentration, awareness and tranquility, allowing one to see the roots of what ails them. Only then can anxiety be eliminated at its source.

Meditation is a natural cure for depression, stress, and anxiety. With exercise taking as little as fifteen minutes-per-day, results can be seen almost immediately. The practice can be done anytime, anywhere the need to alleviate the overwhelming feeling of helplessness that arises with anxiety.

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