Morality & Mental Development

Morality and mental development go hand-in-hand. As the mind develops, so does one's morality. As morality develops, so does one's mind.

After practicing meditation for some time, it will become easier to see one's thoughts as they arise. At this point, one can no longer use the excuse that they didn't know what they were doing when they committed an unwholesome act, as the mind can be seen very clearly. However, as the mind becomes more developed, it also becomes more purified.

Before engaging in meditation, it is advised to observe the Five Training Precepts. This isn't a vow to any deity or other being, but a promise to oneself. These precepts are the basis of right livelihood.

The precepts are as follows:

  1. I vow to observe the precept to abstain from taking life - quite simply, this is a vow to abstain from killing. Some have interpreted this precept to also mean not eating meat, thus absolving one from the killing of animals.

  2. I vow to observe the precept to abstain from taking what is not given – unless something is given, it should never be taken. If there is $20.00 on the floor and it does not belong to you, you should not retrieve it, as this is the same as stealing.

  3. I vow to observe the precept to abstain from sexual misconduct - monogamy was never a must. One can have multiple partners, as long as it does not bring harm to another or is facilitated by lies or deception. Certain sexual activity is also taboo.

  4. I vow to observe the precept to abstain from false speech – speech is preceded by thought. How can you engage in mental development, when mind is inclined to lying and deception? This precept can also include harsh speech, slander and gossiping.

  5. I vow to observe the precept to abstain from taking intoxicants, which cause heedlessness – intoxicants of any kind are forbidden, as they often give rise to unwholesome words and deeds. Also, they are extremely counter-productive to the development of mind. It is akin to taking one step forward, two steps backwards.

Come, learn the techniques necessary to develop the mind... See, for yourself, the gradual eradication of unwholesome states...

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